Hello Friends, I’m back again with new tips and tricks for you in this article i will guide How to boost your internet speed with Google DNS. Now a days internet is the most used modern technology. Internet is used by billions of people use internet. Now Internet has become a part of our life in this current advanced world. People are highly accustomed to this technology with the rapid usage of internet. But, having internet and having very faster internet are two different things. In this article i will tell you the best methods to boost your internet speed with Google DNS and Open DNS.
Increase your Internet speed with Google DNS
Now time to increase your internet speed by changing Default DNS to Google. Friends you must have see that Advertisement load faster than Videos on YouTube. In this post i will use there DNS server to increase the internet speed very fast. Switching to Google DND will provide you the extra bandwidth to browse faster over the internet than the default DNS. We will use google DNS server to boost our Internet speed and i will provide you address of Open DND server. Go through the post to know about it.
What is DNS
DNS stands for Domain Name System. A system that converts the domain name into IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, and vice versa. An IP address is a string of numbers used to identify a computer or resource on a network or internet. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a network of directories on the internet used to resolve host name into machine-readable IP address.
Computer and other devices make use of IP address to route the traffic, and it is very much related to dialing a phone number. It is the internet’s address book/directory. It is the footman of our internet requests! The World Wide Web depends on the DNS to function as we know it today. Yes! DNS is the important!
How to Change Default DNS to Google DNS for Faster Internet
The method is very simple and you can easily change your default DNS and will get the switch to a high-speed DNS. There are several advantages of using Google, Open DNS because they provide internet at much faster speed. They also provide us internet when we are struggling with our internet. Yes! these server will work even when your internet is not working. You will experience better internet browsing and download. Just follow the steps below to proceed.
How to Boost your Internet Speed with Open DNS Hack
So guys i will tell you a hack which will help you to increase your internet speed with Open DNS. You can also use Google DNS for speeding up your internet. Open DNS is one of the most popular free DNS services that was commenced to render an alternative method to those who were displeased with their existing DNS. Just follow each and every step below.
Boost Up Internet Speed Using Open DNS
- First of all, Open Control panel. Go to Control Panel > Network and Internet options. To acquire high-speed internet using OpenDNS.
- Now click on Network and Sharing Center
- Then After click on your WiFi as in below picture.
- Now, It will show your WiFi status. You just click on properties as highlighted with red circle.
- After that, you will see WiFi properties. Just Select the option Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
- This is the important step. Click on ‘use the following DNS server addresses’ to speed up your internet speed. Preferred DNS server: DNS server:
- You are now using OpenDNS’s servers that help you to get a faster internet speed.
So, these are the best methods to increase your internet speed with hack. All you need to do is change the Preferred and Alternative DNS server. In above is all about Boost Internet Speed By Changing Default DNS to Google DNS. With this method, you can quickly switch to Google DNS and boost the internet speed in your Computer/Laptop. I have provided you Google DNS server code and Open DNS server code. You can choose which is convenient to you and one more thing don’t forget to share this article and comment your query.
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